Property Tax
Information about Property Tax
Tax Rate
As of July 1, 2024, the real and personal property tax within the City of Bradford is $1.19 per $100 of assessed value.
What is taxed and how?
Residential real property (land and houses) is taxed at 25% of the appraised value.
Commercial real property (land and buildings) is taxed at 40% of the appraised value.
Personal property, which includes portable equipment, not for sale used in the operation of the business is taxed at 30% of the appraised value.
Appraisals are conducted by the Gibson County Property Assessor who can be reached at (731) 855-7634.
When should property tax be paid?
Property notices are mailed by October 20th each year. Taxes are due and payable on or before February 28th of the following year without penalty. After the last day of February, a 1.5% penalty is added each month delinquent.
Your property taxes are due whether or not you receive a notice! If your mailing address has changed, please contact the Gibson County Property Assessor to update your information. Taxes can be paid at the Gibson County Court House.
What about delinquent or late property taxes?
Taxes are considered delinquent on March 1. The following year, unpaid taxes will be referred to the Gibson County Chancery Court for collection through a delinquent tax suit. Generally, if taxes are paid by the end of March of the following year, the City will not initiate collection. So, for taxes whose notice was mailed in October, 2017, they will be considered delinquent March 1st 2018. Those taxes will be referred to the Chancery Court for collection in March of 2019. There is a significant increase in fees after taxes have been submitted to chancery court.
The City’s Tax Attorney requires our information to be submitted before the end of March, so please make an effort to pay quickly to avoid inclusion in the tax suit.