Senior Citizens Center
City of Bradford’s Senior Center
Bradford Senior Citizens Center
Center for Classes, Programs, and More
We are a daily activity center located in downtown Bradford, Tennessee, for anyone 60 years of age and up.
We host a wide variety of activities and hope you will join us. We are a non-profit organization for independent functioning seniors. The mission of the Center is to provide services to seniors throughout the community to enhance their physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Also, to encourage independence and self-esteem through community involvement, educational opportunities, and intergenerational activities. To create a centralized focal point that will attract and service various facets of the senior population.
Visiting the center and joining in with its activities will provide another benefit, that of socialization and friendships; which is hard to get when you stay at home. We can fill a big need that many seniors underestimate which is the need for socialization. Listed is only a few of the services we provide:
Our location information is Gibson County Office on Aging, Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, 105 West Front St. Bradford, TN 38316, 731.742.2536
Together, we are creating a responsive community that is open, engaged and accepting of all.

All About Our Senior Center
A Senior Center is little noticed by many and misunderstood by even more. Until you visit one or know someone who does, it seems they are invisible in most people’s lives. If you look around you will discover that one of the 15,000 Senior Centers in the US are probably located in your neighborhood or in a town nearby.
There are some young seniors who are now curious about Senior Activities Centers and want to know what they are and what are the benefits of senior centers. Others think they know and and have no interest. Times are changing and they are worth discovering.
It may help to define the purpose of Senior Centers, which is: to provide programs and activities in your neighborhood accessible everyday to you, and the benefits are that this will help keep you active as you age. By keeping active, both mentally and physically, you stay stronger which helps to support independent living. This is especially important to those who are aging in place in their own homes.
Visiting a center and joining in with its activities will provide another benefit, that of socialization and friendships; which is hard to get when you stay at home. They provide seniors with social interaction, stimulation, and the chance to get involved in the community. They fill a big need that many seniors underestimate which is the need for socialization. Being retired can be lonely if you stay home and cannot be as active as you may desire. These organizations can provide contact with others through all sorts of clubs and activities which can be both mentally and physically stimulating and help you to stay active and independent. Centers really fulfill a need for those who elect to stay and age in place in their own homes.
Adult Recreation Centers are run by the Parks and Recreation Departments and serve the 50+ active adult. The users of this type of center are usually a little younger and the age range varies more so than Senior Centers. Many towns have both types.
If you are at least age 60, or know someone who could enjoy the benefits like being more active and engaged, then by all means visit a Senior Center or two near you to see firsthand what it is all about.
September is National Senior Center Month: Across the country, nearly 11,000 centers serve 1 million older adults each day, making them one of the most widely used services among America’s older adults. They serve as a hub for older adults- connecting them to indispensable services that can help them stay healthy and independent. They are places with high energy, many activities and programs and a heartbeat of the community.
According to the National Council on Aging, research shows that older adults who participate in senior center programs experience measurable improvements in their physical, social, spiritual, emotional, mental and economic well-being. With the large baby boom generation approaching retirement, they will continue to develop new programs and opportunities to meet the needs and interests of this dynamic generation of older adults.
Some people don’t like the name Senior Center. Some different names have been suggested like Active Adult Center or Adult Activity Center and we do see these names in use already. The Baby Boomers increasingly are turning 60+ and now 65+ and the names and personalities of these centers probably will be changing. The Bradford Senior Citizen Center is run by local county government. Some senior centers in Tennessee are non-government sponsored non-profit organizations.
The age to qualify for Senior Centers vary by center, with some the age is as low as age 50, then quite a few at age 55 and some at age 60. Anyone at the minimum age may use the center. It is free to use most of the programs and a small fee for some.
You can see our page at Senior Center Activities and Programs to see a list of some common activities. Activities do vary between centers and and change from season to season. Programs and activities are being improved continuously. They provide a variety of programs and services for seniors who typically live nearby. Programs include activities, educational opportunities, counseling and support groups, volunteer opportunities, and wellness programs. Some centers also offer meals, help with financial and medical paperwork, transportation to and from the center, shopping trips, outings, friendship and other services to seniors.
Many centers provide some congregate meals like a breakfast or a tasty hot lunch free or for a small donation. Congregate meals are meals that are offered to seniors in groups like at a Senior Center and provide at least one meal per day to seniors at no cost. All seniors 60 years of age and over, regardless of income, are eligible to participate in and receive free meals in a congregate meal setting. These programs contribute greatly to senior nutrition and health. In a poll the most common responses seniors gave for eating at the center were that they enjoyed the meals (63%), enjoyed socializing (61 %), and meals are inexpensive (57%).
Wellness seminars are a favorite at many and can help improve your quality of life. Wellness Seminars cover everything from managing arthritis, preventing low back pain, and nutrition, to causes of balance problems and fall prevention, and many other topics-these are just examples.
We sponsor a Meals on Wheels program which provides home-delivered meals to individuals weekly at no cost to those who are eligible.
Senior Center Services
Some of our services (subject to change) include:
- Adult education
- Recreation: Bingo, crafts, television, special events
- In-home services
- Caregiver Respite Aides
- Home Delivery Meals
- Congregate Meals
- Transportation
- Information and Assistance
- Outreach
- Health Screening
- Arthritis class, information, or education
- Adult Protective Services information and resources
- Elder Abuse information and resources